Preparation work before installation of Jiangmen distribution box

2020-02-28 626

The safety assurance of distribution boxes has been highly valued by the country, and safety issues have always been a concern for us. Therefore, we are equally concerned about the safety issues of distribution boxes. The application of Jiangmen distribution boxes in the construction industry is indispensable, and the production industry has high quality requirements for construction. The construction of this distribution box has also made rapid progress. As an important component of electrical installation construction in construction projects is the installation construction of distribution boxes, the absolute factor that affects the quality of the entire construction project, electricity use, and electricity safety is the quality of installation construction. Therefore, it is required that the construction personnel of Jiangmen distribution box must strictly comply with the construction regulations and construction drawings for electrical equipment in the construction project, and carry out the construction work of distribution box equipment to ensure the quality of the construction project.

1. First, make sure to leave some gaps between the panel and the distribution box for easy installation. Lay the plate flat and arrange the related items on top. First, take a good look at the drawings, and then select the layout, appearance specifications, and quantity to meet the distance requirements, while ensuring convenient operation and maintenance as well as an elegant appearance. After finishing it, based on the actual location of your exclusion, I will carefully consider how to install the relevant outlet. After finishing the outlet, I will paint it.


2. Then the incoming and outgoing lines began to be connected. First, cover the receiving and outgoing line openings with ceramic tube heads or rubber sheaths to protect the wires. Then, position all electrical appliances in the Jiangmen distribution box according to their respective positions and secure them with wooden screws or bolts. The wires should be tied neatly, so as not to make them scattered and make people feel sad and melancholic when they look at them. Tie them with tie straps one by one, and use clips to make them strong and sturdy. The zero busbar of the zero connection system is usually equipped with a zero terminal board to connect each branch. After the paint has dried, install the insulation nozzle, flatten all electrical components and surfaces, and use screws to make them sturdy and sturdy. Based on the specifications, capacity, and orientation of the electrical components and appearance, select the cross-section and length of the wires, and cut them for assembly. The wires behind the coil should be arranged neatly and cut off.

3. When pressing the head, the wire should be left with corresponding margin, and the outer skin should be peeled off and pressed one by one. If there are multiple strands of wire, compression terminals must be used. The next step is to firmly settle the plate. First, firm the panel and box, then fill the surrounding area with cement mortar and level it, and wait for the cement mortar to dry on the settling plate. When the bottom of the box is flush with the outer wall, the wall plastering should be done after the outer wall has a sturdy metal mesh. Do not plaster the bottom plate of the distribution box. The installation panel is required to be flat, with uniform and symmetrical gaps around it. The face (door) should be fair and not skewed, and the screws should be uniformly stressed vertically before wiring.

Article source: Jiangmen distribution box